Christian Dictionary!

Christian Dictionary:

Very simply, this page is just a list of words and abbreviations with meanings. We hope this helps one's conversations with fellow Christians or even nonbelievers. 

Ad Hoc or Ad Hocness:

-Latin for "to this." It is a fallacy when one derives a conclusion as a last-ditch effort to save a theory, normally done when an unforeseen argument appears. An example would be if one claims that Jesus had an identical twin brother who died on the cross instead of Jesus.


-Someone who isn't sure if God(s) exists

Amyraldism(also called Amyraldianism and four-point Calvinism):

-This idea accepts all of the five points(or tulip) of Calvinism, but they rejects limited atonement. (See hypothetical Universalism for more). Due to this rejection, some call Amyraldism "Liberal Calvinism". 


-The study of angels


-The belief that beings in Hell/Sheol(both humans and fallen angels) will have their consciousnesses destroyed. This means, if true, souls will not necessarily burn for eternity in Hell, but simply be destroyed. 


-The announcement to Mary that she is to have Jesus by the angel Gabriel.


-Someone who is indifferent or unconcerned about the existence or non-existence of God or gods.


-Apologetics, in short terms, is used to defend religious doctrine. An apologist is someone who practices apologetics. It comes from the Greek word "ἀπολογία" or apologia which means a defense or plea.

Appeal to Novelty:

-A fallacy where one concludes a new idea automatically makes it true or superior.


-The belief there is no God/gods.

Argument From Ignorance:

-A fallacy where one concludes as their argument has not been proven false, it thus is true. If I claim I am a taco and no one is able to explain why I am not, I can not claim I am thus a taco. 


-The belief that one has free will to accept or reject salvation. This is the opposite of predestination.

Baptismal Efficacy:

-The belief that one needs faith with their baptism to be saved.

Baptismal Regenationism:

-The belief that baptism saves.

Begging The Question:

-A fallacy where one assumes their conclusion is true without supporting it. 

Burden of Proof:

-If a person makes a claim, they are to back it up. They have the burden to prove their case. If one claims water is actually poisonous without citing any reason to think so, it is their burden to prove their case.


-The belief that spiritual gifts(such as speaking in tongues, prophecy, etc.) no longer occur(or ceased) and were only for during the time of the Apostles.



-A person who accepts the council of Chalcedon's definition; this definition confirmed the doctrine of the Hypostatic union. 


Classical Apologetics:

-A type of apologetics that focuses on logic to prove God exists.


-The belief that men and women have different roles but complement one another.

Confirmation Bias:

-When one avoids sources that attack their position and/or only listens to specific sources that confirm their beliefs. 


-The belief that spiritual gifts(such as speaking in tongues, prophecy, etc.) occur(or continue) and were not only for during the time of the Apostles.


-of the same object or substance (refers to the Trinity).


-The study of the person and attributes of Christ.


-The belief infants should not be baptized.

Davidic King:

-A Davidic king is a king of David's line(or descendent).


-The belief that all events(including personal choice) were predetermined at the beginning of time. Also see Predestination.


-The belief that Earth is run by two beings that are antagonistic; one is usually on the side of good while the other is the opposite (evil).

-A person or group who tries to promote unity among the Christian churches


-The belief men and women have the same roles.


-The reading of a text, without context, interpreting how the reader desires it to be 

Equivocation Fallacy:

-A logical fallacy where one uses a word or phrase in an argument that is either ambiguous or means more than two things. For example: Cats are amazing pets; thus, tigers would make good pets. This fallacy may too be a false comparison.


-The study of the final destination of the soul. Includes end times, and final judgment theology.


-The reading of a text, using context, to find the idea of what the original author meant. Exegesis is the application of Hermeneutics(See Below).


-A form of apologetics where one looks for evidence for their claims such as evidence for the resurrection or crucifixion of Jesus.


-Its literal meaning is "and son" coming directly from Latin. The term was believed to have been added to the Nicene creed(Roman Catholics accepting it while Greek Orthodox rejected it), in short, the controversy was over if the Holy Spirit proceeded from the father and the son(Jesus) or just the father.

Genetic Fallacy:

-A fallacy when one invalidates a position based on how they came to their position. For example, "You are just Christian because you were born in a Christian household."


-One who is not Jewish by race.

God of The Gaps Fallacy:

-When one makes an argument that God exists due to a lack of knowledge. For example: We do not understand how evolution started; thus, a God must have started it. 


-The theory and practice of interpretation


-One who does no confirm or accept orthodox standards or beliefs.

Hypostatic Union:

-The unity of Jesus' divine and human nature while on Earth when he was in his flesh.

Hypothetical Universalism:

-The teaching that Jesus died for all people in a sense; however, salvation is only given to the elect(who is predestined).


-The belief that one should not have icons in worship.


-The belief that God should or can be worshiped through icons.


-The belief that events(including personal choice) were not predetermined at the beginning of time. Also see Predestination.


-The doctrine that God knew and allowed the fall of man and that he created Predestination as a means of saving some of the human race. Unbelievers are damned as they sinned.


-Look, see, or behold.


-The Septuiagint(The Oldtestement written in Greek). We get LXX from the Latin, the Septuagint(Septuaginta) meaning seventy translators, LXX is 70 in Roman numerals. 


-A gnostic group that rejects Jesus but follows John the Baptist.


-The study of the person and attributes of Mary. For example, if she is sinless.


-One who or the belief in the love of material possessions.

-The idea that only material things exist.


-The belief that the eucharist or communion is just a symbol.


-The belief that God's omniscience expands to hypothetical scenarios or counterfactuals. 

Ex: Jonny is a builder and died old. God however knows that if he had became a chef(a hypothetical situation) he would have died young for he is allergic to the ingredients used at that possible kitchen. God has knowledge of a situation that did not occur. 


-The belief in many gods, but worship goes to only one of these gods.


-The belief in one God

Moving The Goal Posts:

-A fallacy when one changes the amount of needed evidence when the amount is reached or closely reached.


-New Testament


-Having/being all goodness.


-Having unlimited power


-to be all-knowing


-Old Testament


-The belief infants should be baptized.

Pastoral Epistles(or Letters):

-The Pastoral Epistles are three epistles written by Paul: 1st Timothy, 2nd Timothy, and Titus.


-Pertains to characteristics of Paul, his writings, and his doctrines


-A heresy taught by Pelagius that claimed humans can become perfect/righteous(without sin). (See more about this here)


-The study of the Holy Spirit


-The belief in many gods


-A form of eschatology that states the second coming will be after the millennium.


-The belief that humans existed before Adam.


-The study of the Holy Spirit/Ghost


-A form of eschatology that states the second coming will be before the millennium.



-A form of Arminianism that states that salvation is a choice, but once you make a choice you are unable to change your position. 

Real Presence:

-The belief that communion or the eucharist is not a symbol but his actual body/blood.

Red Herring:

-A fallacy where one throws out an argument to distract from the original topic. 

Religious Pluralism:

-The belief that all religions are equal/true/valid.


-A sect of Catholics who reject Vatican 2, meaning they reject the current/recent popes(papacy) due to heresies they have committed.


-The study of, or the doctrine of, salvation.


-In arguments, it refers to an argument being valid(true); for example, one could say, "My argument that FOTS is epic is sound"


-A fallacy where one misrepresents another's position. If one believes potatoes cure cancer because they have water in them, but then one argues to debunk them that the chemicals found in potatoes do not cure cancer, this would be fallacious for it misrepresents the original argument. The original person's argument was that the water in potatoes cures cancer, not the chemicals.



-The belief that God decreed the saved and the damned prior to creation.


-In a religious context, this is when a religious belief or practice is fused with another.


-The belief in one God.


-A Christian form of government where the nation is controlled by Divine law.


-The belief in three separate persons(Father, Son, and Spirit) who are all God, but not one another. (See more about this here)


-A heresy that teaches that each member of the Godhead(The Father, Son, and Spirit) are a separate god. Three gods instead of the one true God. 


-The study of God


-A title some(mainly Eastern Orthodox and Catholic) use to call Mary, this was from the Council of Ephesus decreeing for this term to be used. It means "Mother of God" or "God-bearer". There is a dispute over if this is a good title, as some Protestants note that Mary only brought the flesh of Jesus, not his divine self or the other two members of the Trinity. Others merely argue that the word is confusing for it makes it seem Jesus was a created being. 

Tu Quoque Fallacy:

-A fallacy that is similar to the ad hominem fallacy where one attacks the way an argument is presented.


-The belief that eventually everyone will be saved (see more about this here)

